I don’t care what anyone’s religion is.
I don’t care if they are not religious.
I don’t care what colour anyone is.
I don’t care what their nationality is.
I don’t care what their sexuality is.
I don’t care if they have two heads and are called Noddy.


When I was young I went to church regularly, but I am no longer religious. I follow blogs written by people with different religious backgrounds and beliefs. Although I do not share their beliefs, the faith they have in their individual religions is commendable. I respect them and like what they have to say.

Similarly, I follow blogs by people from numerous countries that I been interacting with for a few years. I have even bonded with people who speak a different language from me. Their colour or nationality is irrelevant, they are good people and that is all that matters.

I doubt very much if this blog is followed or even viewed by anyone who is a racist or bigot.

In the UK, hate crime is increasing at an alarming rate and is fuelled by the prejudicial hate speech of particular newspapers and politicians.

I come across people that I just don’t particularly like, usually because they are bad mannered or disrespectful in some way. I cannot dislike someone because of their race, colour, religion or sexual orientation. In my mind that is unnatural.

Recently in London, Jameel Muhktar and his cousin Resham Khan had acid thrown over them in an unprovoked attack. Jameel suffered such serious burns he had to be put into an induced coma. They both suffered excruciating pain and life-changing injuries.

Resham Khan

It is bad enough when people suffer because their behaviour or actions have triggered an assault on them, but when innocent people minding their own business, have such cruelty inflicted on them as a result of racism is deplorable.

YouTube Link: Jameel Muhktar Interview

Hate Crime Link

By the way, I think Jameel and Resham  are Muslims. Does that matter? Not to me, and it should not matter to anyone else either.

34 thoughts on “I HATE – HATE CRIME

  1. Lisa Neumann says:

    Thank you for this eye opening post. Sadly, we live in an intolerant world. I’m so happy to have friends like you. We need to teach tolerance and love. Blessings my friend. ♥

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ronnie says:

      Thank you, dear Lisa. ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  2. cindy knoke says:

    My heart is sick for these two innocent people who are suffering so terribly. Thank you for this post.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ronnie says:

      Thanks Cindy, unfortunately there is no sign that the current situation
      is likely to improve.


  3. Here, here, it’s really disturbing me all the hate about, so much so I want to get out!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ronnie says:

      Thanks, I know just what you mean Liza.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Helena says:

    The crimes are acceptable. Hate is acceptable. They are embraced and encouraged and incited. They are in countries, cities, and … homes. It is the evolution of a society gone berserk. We have devolved into primitive animals and beasts in feeling no remorse, no guilt, no compassion, no pain for the inflictions that go unabated, without consequence, without legal justice, without moral justice.
    We are all sinners, but there is a difference when the sin is to actively and maliciously hurt someone else – feeling justified and righteous whether that is physical, mental or emotional. But sin that comes from a sinful ‘desire to inflict pain’ is an abomination.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ronnie says:

      Thank you for your input Helena.

      When I became aware of people in wheelchairs experiencing hate crime, my first reaction was disbelief. My second reaction was anger at the Government, because that is who is at the root of the problem, turning people against anyone who is in receipt of benefit payments.


  5. gracious, lil scapegoat says:

    Give them my love and regrets.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ronnie says:

      Thank you for your kind comment.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. La sigur contează omenia! Mi-a plăcut articolul Dstră!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ronnie says:

      Mulțumesc foarte mult!


  7. TinaC says:

    I hate when I see such things, people that are hurting other people only because they seems to be “different”. Why we should be different? We are all the same: humans! No matter the colour of our skin, nationality… The county we are from. We can’t be all placed in one big country.
    I have in my city a good University for Medicine. There are a lot of asian students, black ones, muslim etc. I don’t judge them for being like this and if they want to study, is their right.
    Evilness is all around. Of course, if I don’t judge them it doesn’t mean others don’t do the same…
    You are very right. I sustain your opinion.
    We have a saying here: Omul, câteodată este mai animal decât animalul (The man is more animal than the animal). – I hope I translate it ok

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ronnie says:

      Mulțumesc dragă Cristina, traducerea ta e în ordine. Este similar cu “Omul este cel mai cruel animal” al lui Friedrich Nietzsche.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. TinaC says:

    You welcome dear Ronnie. You are doing well with your romanian. 🙂

    Yeees, the correct translation is “Omul este cel mai crud animal”.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Maria says:

    Great post, dear Ronie! Maybe it’s our time in this world. It’s time to be courageous enough! It’s time to love more and the power of love to grow up in every soul and than, like an Vulcan it’s nothing to say….. Silence and love! World is beautiful, yes it is! Let your/our heart to feel, but not to be hurts. Let your love grow, more and more. Without judge! Only love….. because each thought has his energy. And if we are revolted by the action of oGreat post, dear Ronie! Maybe it’s our time in this world. It’s time to be courageous enough! It’s time to love more and the power of love to grow up in every soul and than, like an Vulcan it’s nothing to say….. Silence and love! World is beautiful, yes it is! Let your/our heart to feel, but not to be hurts. Let your love grow, more and more. Without judge! Only love….. because each thought has his energy. And if we are revolted by the action of others ours energy is change. No matter what, it’s important to be in peace, in love, in silence. …. Only in this moment we can help! If it’s something which makes us not to be in peace, please take a break and breath.
    Every thought can change us. No matter what, it’s important to be in peace, in love, in silence. …. Only in this moment we can help! If it’s something which makes us not to be in peace, please take a break and breath. Without” hate ” please, remember, only peace and love. This hate it’s as they want to feel. But don’t! Please.
    This power is ours

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ronnie says:

      Vă mulțumesc pentru comentariile dvs. atenți draga Maria.

      Pace și dragoste.


  10. Soheir says:

    Reblogged this on Try to get it!.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Peter Adewumi says:

    This is a great thought put into a post. I read this from Aquib’s site, and I
    have to trace it down. I’ve imbibed this philosophy of yours. Thanks for posting!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ronnie says:

      Thank you very much for your kind comment.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Peter Adewumi says:

        You’re gladly welcome.

        Liked by 1 person

  12. Shayra says:

    Ah, it’s painful to see this pictures. Really, no one has a right
    to destroy their lives.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ronnie says:

      It seems that the despicable perpetrators of this type of crime feel that they have the right. Figures I looked at indicate that attacks with corrosive substances have doubled in England since 2012


  13. It’s so true and thank you for pointing that out. No one deserves any crime done against them regardless of their gender, race, and or faith. If someone has some issues, learn to deal with the differences and learn in a positive way!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ronnie says:

      Thank you.

      The neutrality that children have is adversely influenced by adults, either directly or by the media.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Exactly. The media nowadays (globally) have become a political puppet 😦

        Liked by 1 person

  14. huguetta says:

    Oh damn! Hate is really destructive! Hating someone because
    they are different in anyway…No comment! I loved how you started your post and your status about religions, I can relate, used to be very religious and currently I’m not and I respect all beliefs as long as you’re not imposing your beliefs on me…My best friend is Muslim, I’m Christian, I have friends from many other religions and sects…Despite the civil war we had where people killed each other’s based on their IDs, we have grown to be different, open and respectful…All because we want to, personal efforts and long struggle…
    Thank you for sharing this post and others as well!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ronnie says:

      Thank you Huguette .

      I read in Wikipedia that Lebanon is the most religiously diverse country in the Middle East. Where I come from (Scotland) there has been a divide between Protestants and Catholics, like in Northern Ireland. It is not as bad as it used to be, hopefully it will fade away forever eventually.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. huguetta says:

        My pleasure Ronnie 🙂
        Yes it is, but it was a blessing and both a curse, the post you read « searching for a homeland » showing the curse and the civil wars and I wrote 2 posts why lebanon is special and showed the diversity and how we live altogether which is true, until the politics interfere or the orders arrive, the good people will not be affected but there are always those retarded people that ruin everything
        I heard about the conflict ms between Catholic and protestants from a fellow blogger from Ireland, hope they aren’t that critical
        Always thought that countries like Ireland and Scotland are perfect 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Ronnie says:

          I suppose in Scotland the divide is mainly Glasgow and surrounding areas where a lot of Irish settled a long time ago.

          I met Northern Irish people in London who moved there to get away from The Troubles because they had enough of it. There was a certain gangster element that wanted the trouble to continue, because they were making money out of it.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. huguetta says:

            Yes there’s always benefits for certain people to keep the fire on
            Thank you for the information

            Liked by 1 person

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