10 thoughts on “Captured and Enslaved: The Story Behind Lolita

  1. Embracing a Wounded Soul says:

    Too painful


    1. Ronnie says:

      There are a lot of people who do not realise how much animals in captivity suffer. They have been cleverly deluded to believe that the animals are actually happy and enjoy “performing” for humans.


      1. Embracing a Wounded Soul says:

        I’ve never gone to a sea world. I can’t own fish in a tank in my own home.


        1. Ronnie says:

          I don’t like to see a bird in a cage or a fish in a bowl. Well, really,
          I don’t like to see any animal in captivity.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Embracing a Wounded Soul says:

            Me too . . . but I admit I go to the zoo, I take my children. but I
            prefer the reserves. At least they have a taste of true freedom.


            1. Ronnie says:

              I understand there are some benefits to zoos and they are staffed by people who care about the animal’s well-being. Unfortunately there are a lot of zoos in the world that are only interested in making a profit.


              1. Embracing a Wounded Soul says:

                Yes agreed…


  2. I have NEVER been in favor of animals being in the entertainment industry. Nothing can compare to the life the were intended to have by their Creator. This disturbs me to such a depth. And it is truly a credit to the animal that there aren’t more attacks to trainers.


    1. Ronnie says:

      I don’t think more attacks on trainers would be a bad thing. Any living creature that suffers at the hands of another has every right to retaliate.


      1. Yes indirectly that is what I am saying. To me it shows greater restraint from the animal dealing with man in what is being done to them, than in humans for what they a doing to the animals. If the animals attacked the trainers they most likely wouldn’t be released into the wild but instead killed. That was what I was indirectly saying.

        Liked by 1 person

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