A new bill is up for debate this Wednesday that could finally spell the end of cruel wild-animal circuses in England and Wales.


For years, the government has been promising to ban the use of wild animals in circuses in England and Wales by 2015, but progress has stalled. These delays mean that wild animals are still suffering in circuses and could continue to be abused for years to come.

Wild animals used by circuses are constantly carted around from one performance to another in an environment in which their most basic welfare needs cannot be met.

Continued Here

2 thoughts on “URGENT: Urge Your MP to Help the Wild-Animal Circus Ban Become Law

  1. Carly says:

    Done. Sadly my MP is a right-wing pro-hunting bleeep, and is unlikely to be sympathetic to the cause.


    1. Ronnie says:

      Thank you Carly, I know what you mean, but it is good to let them know we care.


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